Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kelas aku bukan aku yang kelas.

Dalam kelas aku basically terbahagi kepada 2 puak... Cina & India. Ada yg dtg dari Pakistan, tp termasuk lah dlm group India ni. Menyampahnya bila tgk depa cakap Cina or Hindi. Klu depa kutuk aku pun, aku tak paham. Aku cakap kat kawan Arab aku, "I wish we could speak the same language.." Dia jawab, "So, who's gonna learn whose??" Good question there...

Ada sorang Msian dalam kelas aku... Cina, tapi dia dah 2nd year, amik part time. Nice lah budaknya. Ada lah dlm 3 subjek dia sama dgn aku. Tp selalu lah jumpa sbb 3 subjek tu amik 17 jam seminggu. Selama ni aku ckp BI jer dgn dia... akhirnya minggu ni baru aku rasa nak tanya...
Me: Chin, can you speak Malay?
Chin: Not really...
Me: How come you cannot speak Malay??
Chin: I can... but not very confident... because... bla bla...
Me: Ohh... but still you can understand... so I can kutuk others in Malay with you...
Chin: Boleh... boleh...

Lecturer pun byk Cina. Ermm... tak tau nak komen. Dari segi bahasa, aku rasa ok lah. Takde masalah sgt nak paham British accent. Tp klu dah lecturer Cina tu, mmg takde lah British accent.

Org2 kat dept aku ni aku rasa baik lah especially pembantu2 makmal. Mmg sgt baik. So, takde masalah nak guna makmal or request barang... malah aku penah mintak sorang tunjuk camna logic analyzer yg dia buat. Ni utk projek MSc.

Ok, MSc project akan mula bulan 6 tahun depan kot... tp kitorg dah kene pilih minggu ni. So, terpaksa lah menghadiri sesi perbincangan dgn lecturer utk pilih projek yg sesuai.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Grey punya anatomi

I love Grey's Anatomy. A TV series that somehow can bring tears to my eyes... hikss. I take the quiz... yippie... I'm Christina.

Ok, from the description I'm nothing like Christina but I really like her strong character. My favorite was Izzie but that was before Izzie had an affair with George. So, Christina becomes my favorite then.

What about Meredith? She's sweet, she's kind-hearted & she's like a moderator among them, but she bores me with her you-love-me-&-i-love-you-but? love life. Well, I'd say the same thing about Carrie Bradshaw in SATC too. Opss... terlari tajuk plak.

Tapi I miss lah the new season at NTV7. Kene tunggu tayang kat Star World lah ni.